On Midsummer Boulevard inside Milton Keynes Community Foundation’s abortion facility: Acorn House, the ‘abortion cafe’ has re-opened. New Owner Rachit Chawla has taken over the Reverend Stephen Norrish’s Think Food outlet. Chawla prefers his eatery to be known as The Green Elephant Cafe. The resurrected Cafe sits in the middle of the abortion facility, offering an extensive menu of Tax-Payer funded abortion methods, including high-pressure vacuum and pills. So murderous Mums can relax with their beverage of choice, waiting for their abortion pills to poison their babies before heading home to expel their offspring down the toilet. Then, after making a killing: the abortionists are free to enjoy The Green Elephant speciality: Turmeric Latte.

The Green Elephant Graveyard?
Milton Keynes Community Foundation redesigned its Acorn House HQ over the past year. Twelve months before, MKCF had voiced their intentions: “We will continue to maximise the use of our Central Milton Keynes buildings. Complete the remodelling of the ground floor of Acorn House to incorporate the new [abortion] cafe in the centre of the building next to the main entrance.”
Despite the premises specialising in ending life: Rachit Chawla will be holding community workshops on Healthy Living. Who’s to say a participant isn’t in the slow process of killing her unborn child? Hardly “healthy living”. Rachit seemed more concerned about the environment than the unborn the environment was made for: “I am passionate about reducing plastic waste” was his battle cry. Even Rachit’s bleach-free napkins bear the slogan: “Save the environment, one napkin at a time”. These could be references to worshipping the Creation rather than the Creator. Is this why Rachit named the Cafe: The Green Elephant?
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator. Romans 1:25 AKJV.

Buckets of Butchered Babies
Some years ago, whilst participating in a peaceful prayer protest outside the building, I witnessed the collection of baby body parts in plastic containers from the rear of the premises. It was a distressing scene — two men carrying buckets into an ambulance-type vehicle. The remains of a day’s work: chopped-up babies labelled as ‘Medical Waste’.
I fail to think of a worse location to eat Chawla’s favourite food, “English breakfast”, than at this notorious Slaughterhouse.

Recycling Children?
In an interview in MK Citizen [13/2/2020], Rachit wants to make his Cafe as “environment-friendly as possible, for example, with reusable containers”. I prefer Rachit to turn his conservation concerns toward us humans and recognise that a unique human being made in God’s image is created at conception. Parents must realise they can’t recycle these unique children!
God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them Genesis 1:27 AKJV.
I ask that Rachit vacate these blood-soaked premises to protest the unborn babies being murdered next to his croissants!

Christian Collusion: Reverend Stephen Norrish MBE
The Acorn House abortion facility has a shameful history of Christians being involved at the board level, operating the Cafe and applying for multiple blood money Grants. For example, Milton Keynes Mission Partnership’s [now known as Churches Together in Milton Keynes] “outreach arm” — Milton Keynes Christian Foundation and its Think Food team, ran the Cafe inside the abortion facility for a decade. During this time, Milton Keynes Christian Foundation Director, Reverend Stephen Norrish MBE and his Christian colleague, John Moffoot MBE, sat as Trustees on the Board of abortion facilitators: MK Community Foundation.

On my mkexposed.co.uk website, I have written various articles exposing the compromising Christians involved, such as Rev. Stephen Norrish. Sadly there are many local churches I’ve yet to disclose. I am working around the clock here and would appreciate your prayers.

Who Allowed Killing & Abortion Cafe At Acorn House?
In 2010, Julia Anne Upton MBE was CEO of Milton Keynes Community Foundation. She had an ultimate say in allowing the killing of babies to occur on-site at her Acorn House HQ. Julia is now the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire. Ian Revell from the nearby YMCA replaced her as CEO in August 2016. Ian Revell has almost four years of innocent blood on his hands: around 8,000 lives! Ian’s job description made him “responsible for ALL activities of Milton Keynes Community Foundation”. He was to “monitor and minimise all risks that may endanger the Community Foundation’s reputation, operations, and financial position”. Unfortunately, he continues in Julia Upton’s aiding of the slaughter of the innocents. I ask him again to repent and save the babies that are murdered whilst he dines in the Green Elephant Abortion Cafe. Ian has the authority to end the killings but elects not to.

Growing Link Between Abortion And Food
I am most concerned that I have uncovered a link between food and the abortion industry. Recently I wrote articles exposing Hawksmoor Steak Restaurants and Carluccio’s as funding worldwide abortions with their customer’s money via Action Against Hunger. Thankfully Carluccio’s chose to abort their Milton Keynes Restaurant.

Same Again Please
I have since uncovered more links between these two multi-million pound industries and another with links to Milton Keynes Community Foundation. I shall be exposing these workers of iniquity as soon as I can.

UPDATE: August 2022
Despite my disgust at the Green Elephant Cafe choosing an abortion facilitator as their Landlord. I am deeply sorry for the staff at The Green Elephant who found themselves unemployed after said Landlord [MK Community Foundation] sent in Bailiffs on the 10th of August 2022 and thereby aborted their jobs.
I pray for all involved, especially the children who continue to be torn apart inside the Acorn House building.