Christian Voice Magazine is concerned that Christian Britain is, for the first time, being governed by a practising Hindu. Rishi Sunak became our Prime Minister in 2022. Christian Voice’s November issue reminds us that King Alfred, in 871 AD, formed England as a Christian country after defeating the Viking invaders. The author claims, “Christianity and the UK are inseparable.”
Is our once great nation that took The Gospel to the ends of the earth in danger once more from pagan marauders who wish to overthrow King Alfred’s Christian Constitution? Or is Christian Voice Magazine making an unwarranted xenophobic fuss? Or is our Hindu-led government indicative of our western culture becoming ever more eastern in its religious ways?

I’m going to try and find answers in Milton Keynes: a beautiful ever-expanding city fifty miles north of London. Comparing the Biblical Commandments that guided King Alfred to what people are following under our new Hindu Leader will be fascinating.
Finding the source of any cultural change will also help us understand at what stage of life people might shift away from our rich Christian heritage. For example: across the world, Religious activists fervently campaign to get Hindu Yoga and Buddhist Mindfulness into every school and are increasingly successful. Is there any harm in this? Can anyone of us claim to have researched the growing evidence of physical and mental damage from these occultic eastern religious practices?

Yoga businesses are earning millions, attracting our children to the activities they describe as secular exercise and quiet time. But are they genuinely nonreligious? First, let’s take a quick look at how different Hinduism is from Christianity and then see if we can separate Yoga from its religion. My video about Christian’s doing Yoga, filmed in Milton Keynes, can be viewed here.
![Shakti Cat Yoga [hosted by New Bradwell Primary School] is named after Shakti, the Hindu goddess of sex. The stone Shakti Pleasure Enhancer [dildo] touches Shakti’s welcoming vagina, whose arms and legs are wrapped in Kundalini Serpents.](https://i0.wp.com/mkexposed.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Yoni-Shakti-Image.jpg?resize=685%2C900&ssl=1)
Sordid Sex Of Shakti
Most know that Yoga is an ancient Hindu practice, but few realise it is also inherently sexual. Yoga rejects the UK’s traditional view of Jesus as the one true God. Instead, Hindus worship Brahman in the form of 330 million differing gods. Furthermore, Hinduism encourages sexual necromancy with foreign gods that The Bible forbids.
Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god. Psalm 16:4 AKJV

Each Yoga posture is a technically precise non-verbal worship of Hindu deities. These positions can never become secular stretching exercises. Instead, they’re the first steps into the Hindu religion and their revered goddess of sex: Shakti. The Bible tells us all foreign gods are, in reality, demons. Therefore everyone who knowingly stretches themselves into a Yoga position communicates with the dead, otherwise known as necromancy.
If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a strange god; shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.
Psalm 44:20–21 AKJV

Necromancy is called an abomination in The Bible. We are never allowed to communicate with dead people. The Bible tells us that demons pretend to be deceased loved ones or people we may know. God forbids this and calls it the sin of witchcraft.
Yoga seeks to honour Shakti, the sex goddess, by communicating with dead people (demons) via Oracle Cards and sex toys known as Yoni Eggs and Wands [Chakrubs]. My research found these witchcraft-fuelled Sex Seances are happening with children nearby. The Bible likens this worship of foreign gods to spiritual whoredom, otherwise known as Polytheism.

Satanic High Priest Aleister Crowley, known as the evilest man in the world, saw no separation between Yoga and Witchcraft. Crowley explains, “Am I then supposed to be saying that Yoga is merely the handmaiden of Magick, or that Magick has no higher function than to supplement Yoga? By no means. It is the cooperation of lovers… The practices of Yoga are almost essential to success in Magick.” I found this telling quote from Crowley, the sodomiser of schoolboys in Sarah Robinson’s book Yoga For Witches.
How did these eastern spiritual practices become so mainstream?

Yoga’s Militant March
The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s didn’t just give us a plague of fornication, venereal disease, divorce and abortion; it put Yoga into our consciousness via the esoteric music of The Beatles.
The ubiquitousness of Yoga in our everyday lives makes it impossible to ignore. Yoga is everywhere: on our public noticeboards, on YouTube, on Social Media, and on tea bag packets. There’s even a video game that teaches kids how to worship the Hindu gods.

Yoga is on many television programmes and in adverts. Even if you try to avoid the unholy mainstream by getting entertainment from Christian sources, you will likely find them incorporating Hindu material. For example, ChristianCinema.com are peddling a range of yoga videos.
Let’s look at a local example of a Christian organisation that has moved away from the Biblical beliefs of King Alfred.

Dildos in the Classroom
In Wolverton, Milton Keynes Christian Foundation appears keen to carry on the free love of the Sexual Revolution. They host Brook Young People Ltd. Brook, famous locally for their explicit Sexual Pleasure Training in schools involving sacks of blue dildos. They promote sexual practices such as how to sodomise each other and give oral-anal pleasure whilst avoiding eating anal discharges. An investigation into Brook found the local Westcroft Community Shop [AKA MK Community Shop Westcroft] was funding Brook from inside a building owned by local abortion facilitators: Milton Keynes Community Foundation. Brook was providing secret abortion referrals to local schoolgirls. The abortion facility at Milton Keynes Community Foundation was aborting grandchildren without the grandparent’s knowledge.

Shamefully, Brook can be found inside The Milton Keynes Christian Foundation every week, offering gold-coloured condoms from a box bearing the Christian Foundation’s name. Children can help themselves to these contraceptive devices. Is it fair to say that the Christian Foundation is complicit in aiding fornication? What message is the Christian Foundation giving to our youngsters by hosting Brook? Do you feel the Christian Foundation is doing what The God of The Bible would have them do?

When BBC TV featured local parents fighting perverted sex education in primary schools, the lessons’ content was too explicit to show to their adult audience! So their Look East programme proved that this sex education could not be suitable for children if it were too graphic to offer to adults. My own video exposing the scandalous Westcroft Community Shop can be seen here.

They’re After My Daughter!
I was in a bookshop a few years ago, and in ran these two young school girls, sprinting straight past me, they shouted: “hey, look, a book on Yoga”. I asked them how at their age, they knew what Yoga was. They enthusiastically told me they’re taught it at their Milton Keynes Primary School! Then, I asked my young daughter if she knew what Yoga was. She confessed that her primary school class teacher had been teaching her Yoga. I was furious. Her school was teaching eastern spiritual practices without giving me a choice to withdraw my daughter. The school had just taken it upon itself to teach children to worship the Hindu gods behind their parent’s backs. The children had no say in the matter. It was part of the school curriculum. The school had begun yoking my Christian daughter to the Hindu gods. Yoga means being yoked to or becoming one with the Hindu gods.

I should have seen the signs earlier. My daughter first came home from her primary school with a Mandala. The school had given each child a black and white Mandala picture to colour in quietly. I later discovered that a Mandala is a spiritual meditation aid used by Hindus and Buddhists to represent the soul. Each colour the school teacher gave the children expressed a different aspect of the eastern religious system. For example, according to Tantric Buddhism: Red means Subjugation, Black: Death and Green: Exorcism. Twinkl is an online school resource for teachers. It has the following review by Dervila Kelly: “The Mandalas always seem better than the animal/theme ones for my students as it doesn’t distract them from the Mindfulness practice”.

I was annoyed about this Mandala Mindfulness but didn’t complain as I should have. Later the school sent my daughter home with Hindu Henna tattoos on her arm and hands. Hindus call these Mehendi. Mehendi designs can be of Hindu gods such as Shakti, Kali or Ganesh, but some are symbolic. Such as, a snake symbolises enlightenment, whilst a dragonfly symbolises rebirth. This time the school had given me forewarning. But my daughter didn’t want to miss out on this activity. So I gave the school strict instructions to avoid eastern religious symbolism on my daughter. Yet, if memory serves me correctly, my daughter made her design. Would other parents feel threatened as I did by this covert Hindu/Buddhist indoctrination?
Jesus warns He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. Matthew 12:30 AKJV.

Local Yoga Teacher Andreas Wren begs to differ. Andreas has taught Yoga to kids for over 20 years “in various schools and universities,” including Shenley Church End School. He recommends we “start our little yogis young”. However, he acknowledged that “after learning Yoga as a child, [children then] carry on the practice as adults”. Every week Andreas’ Yoga class transforms Wescroft Community Centre [AKA Meeting Place] into a ‘temple’ of Hindu worship.

Targeting Our Kids
I wanted other parents to know what was on the school curriculum. But first, I needed to investigate how widespread Yoga was in schools. I quickly realised these eastern religious practices had already saturated our schools worldwide. I found Yoga Teachers offering to teach Yoga as part of the PE/PSHE Curriculum to primary schools and even nursery children. There are even Yoga books for autistic kids! However, are autistic children going to understand what their teachers do to them? I looked online and found a Supply Teacher had answered my question: “The less able group drew some of the [Hindu] gods to label. This will help them to create a Hinduism booklet report next time.” ‘Marichards64’.

Do you think this anti-Biblical indoctrination abuses our authority to choose what our child learns?
“Yoga in schools is Hindu prayer under the radar.” Dr Candy Gunther Brown.
Over the years of speaking about Yoga, I lost many friends, some Christians. But unfortunately, they loved their Yoga so much that they couldn’t escape it. Things might have been very different if I had known then what I was about to find out.

The Third Eye of Christ The Sower Primary School
Christian Schools teach youngsters from age two to bow and honour the 330 Million Hindu gods. The Oxford Diocesan Bucks Schools Trust runs Christ The Sower, an ecumenical Christian primary school on the Grange Farm estate in Milton Keynes.

On 17th June 2020, the school website requested: “We would like you to be active” and recommended a youtube channel called Cosmic Kids — Yoga and Meditation. The Cosmic Kids channel teaches children as young as two to sit on their bottoms and bring their hands together over their hearts in prayer. Teachers then instruct them to “say the secret Yoga codeword, which is Namaste”.

According to LearnReligions.com, Namaste means the god in me bows down to the god in you. This simple gesture of saying ‘Namaste’ is related to the brow chakra, known in the Occult as The Third Eye. This Christian Primary School even has a Yoga teacher, Sam, who teaches kids aged 2–5 how to worship these Hindu deities. Founder of Ashtanga Yoga, Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois, revealed, “The essence of Yoga is to become one with [the Hindu] god.”

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6 AKJV

Is this what parents expect a Christian school to be teaching their children? I implore headmistress Amelda Nugent to cease all Yoga lessons from her Christian school.
You may be concerned about where all this yoga and meditation teaching to young children will lead them. One example is the local Tarot reading Yogi — Carly Chandler-Morris. Carly was a 13-year-old schoolgirl when she cast her first spell. Carly runs Moon Forest Flow Yoga and describes herself as a Bisexual Menstrual Mentor. Carly asserts that “Not all people who menstruate are women”. Does Carly’s unbiblical worldview reveal that kids need Biology lessons rather than the Witchcraft of Yoga and Mindfulness?

There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord. Deuteronomy 18:10–12 AKJV

Former Yoga Teacher Jessica Smith left Yoga after the practice gave her “a traumatic spiritual experience”. Smith wrote her terrifying testimony in her book The Shattering. Smith concluded: “Yoga does not belong in schools. It has its own religious text called the Yoga Sutras. It is a religion.”

Initially, I only wanted to inform parents that Yoga is anti-Christian. But, my investigations quickly uncovered far more complex and satanic activities. Unless I had carefully captured proof, I doubt anyone would believe what I was to discover going on in Newport Pagnell, New Bradwell and Stony Stratford.

Empty Minds
Satanic influence runs deep in Stony Stratford. Just off Vicarage Road, opposite the crystal merchant offering Ancestral Cleansing, lies St. Paul’s Court. Inside Sankey’s historic Christian College, Whitespace Yoga asks us to “Bring the family together” to practice Yoga and Mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply Buddhism. Buddhists found that repackaging their beliefs as Mindfulness was a way to get Buddhist teachings accepted in schools where parents opposed Buddhism. Mindfulness/Buddhism involves emptying the mind, which is the exact opposite of The Bible’s definition of Meditation:
Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

Whitespace Yoga Studio has many teachers from which the empty-minded family can choose. For example, Rachael ‘Raye’ White describes herself as a poetic Shamanic Witch who offers Tarot Readings in Rhyme. Raye lives on a boat bedecked with pentagrams and Yoga paraphernalia. A witch’s broomstick stands under a porthole window shedding specular highlights on New Age crystals above her fireplace.

Another of Whitespace’s Yogi — Charlotte Cooper, insightfully describes her discovery of Yoga thus: “I knew I had found magic!”

Hollywood is known for its anti-Christian agenda. But I was about to be surprised by an actress famous for playing the role of a female soldier who nowadays takes up arms against King Alfred’s religious beliefs.

Buddhism Rebranded As Mindfulness
Private Benjamin or Hollywood Actress Goldie Hawn addressed a Buddhist audience. She bragged she had relabelled Buddhist Meditation as secular neuroscience with her MindUP curriculum for K-8 American schools. But, Hawn explained, “We have to be able to bring contemplative practices into the classroom under a different name. Because obviously people that say, ‘Oh meditation,’ they think, ‘Oh, this is Buddhist.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn is the founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Jon admits, “Mindfulness is an umbrella term [which] subsumes all of the other elements of the Eightfold Noble Path; the heart of Buddhist meditation and essence of the Buddha’s teachings.” Jon realised the importance of rebranding Buddhism as Mindfulness, confessing, “I would not have been able to do what I did in quite the same way if I was actually identifying myself as a Buddhist.”
With the help of Hawn, Kabat-Zinn, and other eastern religious activists, our schools have seemingly evicted Jesus and invited the Hindus and Buddhists to squat in His place.

Stony Hearts
On Stony Stratford’s historic Roman High Street opposite St Mary’s & St Giles Church, The Crone’s Cabin is hidden. Helen Clark founded this Witchcraft Shop during the UK’s lethal Covid Lockdown of 2020. Helen describes herself as a “solitary Witch practising Wicca”. From her shop, Helen peddles books to our youngsters, such as Teen Magick by Fiona Horne. The book’s cover promises readers it is “Witchcraft For A New Generation”.

Despite Helen being a “solitary Witch”, her shop plays host to nearby Whitespace Yoga Studio’s Witch — Rachael ‘Raye’ White. Inside The Crone’s Cabin, Raye communicates with the dead via her Oracle Cards and Crystal Readings. Raye also offers Helen’s customers Dragon Magick.
The Bible describes Satan as a Dragon. Satan is said to roam the world, looking to see who he can devour. One young girl he ravished is Gabriela Herstik, whose tragic story is all too familiar.

Gabriela Herstik Witch At Eleven
Gabriela Herstik is a Sex Magick Author. Will her story prove a connection between parents introducing their children to Yoga and the resultant pandora’s box that the curious child then opens? Gabriela confesses:
“My journey with [Witch]craft indirectly began with my parents. Both encouraged my obsession with the spiritual from a young age. My mother shared practices like Yoga, crystal healing, Mindfulness and Meditation with me since I was a toddler. But when I discovered witchcraft at 11, they thought it was a phase. My personal practice means being devoted to the Divine Feminine [Shakti/Kali]; working with sex magick by using orgasms to raise energy for a desired intention; working with the cycles of the moon alongside tarot.”
The Moon and Sex are a theme I would encounter at my next port of call: Newport Pagnell.

Crematoriums and Broomsticks
In Newport Pagnell, another Witchcraft Shop sits at the entrance of Silver Street. Further down, we find Alchemise Yoga next door to Newport Pagnell Baptist Church. Former school teacher Wendy Loughlan owns Alchemise Yoga Studio. She describes herself as a Priestess who wants to “kindle your magic”. Wendy likes to call upon Kali: the Hindu goddess of destruction. Wikipedia states that Kali abodes on the grounds of crematoriums. A photograph shows Wendy honouring Kali in a graveyard and telling us in her Muse article to call on Kali when our lives are not going as they should.

In another of Wendy’s articles, titled Fifty Ways to Love Yourself. Wendy displays a photo of a naked woman (possibly her younger self) riding a broomstick and tags the article: Moon Magic and Self Love.

Can you see a connection between Yoga and Witchcraft yet? Have you noticed the unlikely proximity between these Witchcraft practices and Christian buildings?

Teaching Your Vagina To Suck Eggs
Are the Yogis at Alchemise Yoga Studio obsessed with sex? They sell a range of egg-shaped dildos known as Yoni Eggs. Phallic-shaped Yoni Wands (dildos) are available elsewhere. The Yoga Studio is not shy in offering a tailored fitting service: advising on which size of sex egg to use depending on prior experience. Yoni is a Sanskrit word for vagina and is symbolic of Shakti: the goddess, as mentioned earlier, of sex. People worship Shakti as the divine force and the divine mother. According to tantric texts: Yoni is the source of life. Alchemise Yoga Studio do group sessions where participants sit in a circle with one or more stone yoni eggs stuffed inside their vaginas. Self-pleasuring is a form of sex worship to their god.
![Alchemise Yoga Studio’s Introduction to Yoni Egg [sex toy] Practice. A fitting service is shamelessly available.](https://i0.wp.com/mkexposed.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Intro-Yoni-Eggs.jpg?resize=600%2C476&ssl=1)
One can also take part in a Yoni [vagina] Walk. Here, women are encouraged to “recover lost childhood sexuality and sensuality”. But is sensuality and sexuality something a child should be experiencing? Is anyone else feeling very uncomfortable about this?
Participants are encouraged to, and I quote: “connect to your yonis (vagina), cervix, breasts etc. with various hands-on techniques, visualisations, meditations, artwork [do they mean pornography?] and personal explorations, the normalisation of female self-pleasuring, orgasm, sex fantasies” and “awakening your [vaginal] Shakti power”.

By this time, I was distressed enough to abandon my article. I’m still embarrassed that someone I may know will read all these sick things I was unearthing. More than once, I walked away thinking, as a Christian, I shouldn’t even be mentioning such things. However, The Bible commands that we judge righteously and reprove the works of darkness.
But have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:11–16 AKJV

My resolve to continue my research was about to be pushed to breaking point. I had, many years ago, renounced all pornography. I know first-hand the damage it can do, especially to a child. But my article and video, if I were going to show proof of my findings, would need to include pictures that I would term pornographic.

Whores With Draws
I discovered that Alchemise Yoga’s Yoni vagina Walk appears to be what others term a Yoni or vagina Massage. The teachers and participants at Alchemise refer to themselves as Moon Goddesses. One of Alchemise’s Yoga teachers: Chiara of Chiara Luna Yoga, held a Libra Super Full Moon Women’s Circle on 5th April. I know from details from the Yoni Vagina Walk that they like to connect their so-called “sacred menstruation with the moon cycle”. For example, a video on Chiara Luna Yoga Facebook page shows a woman with her legs spread open and having her vagina drawn by another woman on an iPad. Alchemise Yoga Teacher Chiara commented, “Love it!” and asked, “Shall we draw each other’s Yoni (Vagina) at the next full moon gathering?”. This Hindu ritual is so popular that the Yoni vagina Walk has already sold out.
But still, the worst was yet to come.

The Portfields Babies
Baby Yoga is another cash cow. I didn’t need to travel far to find a bunch of babies contorted in Hindu worship. Portfields Community Centre is a short distance away from Alchemise Yoga Studio. Inside, former primary school teacher Sarah Cooper teaches Yoga to babies. Sarah’s Baby Yoga business materialised fifteen years ago after Sarah experienced a Pregnancy Yoga session. Sarah claims her Yoga helps babies to “sleep and develop their mental potential”. However, this is the opposite of what a Harvard-trained professor has concluded. Professor Candy Gunther Brown is the author of Debating Yoga and Mindfulness in Public Schools. Dr Brown has been an expert witness in many cases involving indignant parents taking school districts to court over Yoga and Mindfulness replacing their child’s PE lessons.

Dr Brown’s book contains hundreds of pages of research into the harm Yoga does to our children. For example, the Doctor warns, “Yoga is causing kids to bed wet and experience big nightmares and trouble concentrating.”

Alarmingly the University of Sydney’s 2017 study found the incidence of pain caused by Yoga is comparable to the injury rate of all sports injuries combined among the physically active population. Tim Tahmisian is a Doctor of Chiropractic with 18 years of experience treating spinal damage. Dr Tahmisian warns that [Yoga positions such as the] “Downward-Facing Dog can be creating the injury or acerbating it.”

And a heartbreaking photo on Sarah Cooper’s Facebook page shows a two-year-old boy in this perilous Downward-Facing Dog pose. This Yoga position is also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana and is the sun salutation. Sarah’s comments admit: “tiny seeds were sown two years ago for this love of Yoga at our Baby Yoga Classes…and these days this little yogi practices at home.” Dr Brown adds that the sun salutations are bowing down in surrender and worship to Surya, the Hindu god of the sun.

Do Sarah Cooper’s Baby Yoga or any of the Yoga businesses I’ve mentioned have the relevant insurance to deal with a spinal injury claim if one should occur?

Former Yogi and New-Age Author turned Christian -Doreen Virtue now warns parents that “Yoga is the path to Hell.”

Most photo’s from Sarah’s Baby Yoga classes show babies relaxing in the Corpse Yoga position. Dr Brown’s book lists horrific symptoms suffered by children doing meditative practices such as Yoga and Mindfulness. On page 265, Dr Brown cites The Varieties of Contemplative Experience study, which concluded that 82% of participants had anxiety issues; 57% were depressed; 47% suffered physical pain, and 18% felt suicidal.

Page 264 of Dr Brown’s book quotes the American Yoga Association advising kids under 16 not to do Yoga. The association admits that the poses can “interfere with still-growing nervous and glandular systems.” So with this in mind: should Sarah Cooper teach Yoga to tiny babies?

Nether Regions To Summon Legion
New Bradwell Community Centre was a Primary School until 1975. It sits between St. James’s Church and the Parrish Council. Things that would make some people scream don’t happen here in the dead of night. They happen at 3 in the afternoon. It’s like an after-school club for perverts. It’s essential to understand that many young children walk outside and frequently enter the Community Centre. The Centre is home to the Cheeki Monkeys Children’s Market. When I was present researching this article, a three-year-old child was having a 3rd Birthday Party inside!

We also find a so-called Goddess Temple where Sexual Energy Goddess Stella and her partner Tracy invite you to explore the depths of your vagina’s Yoni-verse. Stella boasts of having 18 years of experience as a Psychic Medium. Stella gathers her participants to connect with their ancestors in the most sexually intimate ways. The group uses “high vibration essential oils” to lubricate their vaginas, or “sacred portals”, as they call them. They then bring forth their sacred ancestors in a sex seance — with the demonic spirits disclosing their hellish mysteries to the orgasmic writhing Yogis giving birth to them.
![Children line up outside New Bradwell Community Centre [once a school] in Milton Keynes. The Community Centre now hosts sordid sex seances, Witchcraft and various Occultic-themed events.](https://i0.wp.com/mkexposed.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/New-Bradwell-School.jpg?resize=1024%2C654&ssl=1)
I was struggling to see the need for all this self-pleasuring deviancy. Still, I soon found an explanation from an unlikely source.

The British Museum Explains Shakti Sex
According to the British Museum, “In Tantric texts, women are described as embodiments of Shakti (divine feminine power). This power could be ritually accessed through their sexual fluids. To venerate the yoni (vulva) was to venerate the source of creation itself. When they engaged in sexual rites, practitioners imagined themselves as divine incarnations of Shakti and the Hindu god Shiva”. While Tantric sexual rites could be carried out literally by a couple assuming the roles of Shiva and Shakti, they could also be imagined as an internal union of deities using visualisation exercises. The goal of Tantric Yoga is to awaken an individual’s inner source of Shakti, located at the base of the spine and visualised as the serpent goddess Kundalini.”
The Bible describes Satan as both an angel of light and a Serpent.

New Bradwell’s Hellish History
New Bradwell Community Centre has a history of allowing witchcraft within its walls. For example, Tori’s Tarot from Deanshanger consulted with the dead via her tarot cards event. The Community Centre also turned into a Psychic Fayre on another occasion. In addition, Bohemian Cords have been allowed to sell their New Age Dream Catchers and Crystals. Next, a Children’s Magic Show got the green light. Then Kelly Fairy of Chota Yoga set up a monthly Yoga and Gongs group.

Finally, we saw Helen Clark bring her Stony Stratford Witchcraft wares into the Community Centre. Selling Magic Spell Candles, Pentagrams, Crystal Balls, Tarot Cards and more anti-biblical books such as Communing With The Ancestors and Wicca Spellcraft For Men.
I needed to find out who was responsible.

Who Allowed This?
Whilst none of us is devoid of bias. I had started out trying my utmost to be as neutral as possible. But events had become so one-sidedly opposed to all that King Alfred the Great had fought for: it was now impossible to hide my disgust. I wanted to know who allowed this group’s wicked sex acts and necromancy to occur inside a Community Centre meant for the whole family. Who’s in charge? The New Bradwell Community Centre has two Directors who should have been more discerning. Director Abigail Jolly is a Primary School Teacher.

So whatever happened to the Teacher’s Duty of Care? The other Director is Annabel Whenman, a Registered Midwife. Any Midwife should know that giving birth to dangerous demonic spirits is not the natural use of one’s vagina. So what did these Directors think these events described as Yoni Magic with artwork of a giant red splayed vagina entailed? So again, just as in Newport Pagnell, we find evil happening next door to a Church and yet another School Teacher.

When writing, this 2-hour sex toys with demons experience is on offer at £25 per pervert!

But is something more sinister happening here than what I’d term a Yoga-Mindfulness-Sex-Magick Seance?
I don’t know if any participant was pregnant at the time. But, I know of Satanist Aleister Crowley’s Magick ritual involving unborn babies in similar seances. This 33rd Degree Freemason and confessed paedophile had a book published in 1917. Called Moonchild, it gave instructions on how to demonise an unborn baby. The book details the use of Crowley’s Sex Magick to summon a high-level demon to possess the fetus. Whilst, objects related to Moon Magick, such as silver crescents and the number 9, sacred in Moon Magick, encircle the pregnant woman throughout the sexual exchange with the demon. Whatever the truth, there are certainly a lot of Yogis obsessed with the moon and Sex Magick! My article about a tragic black baby being sacrificed in Milton Keynes can be read here.

I wondered what the church next door might say about all the demonic vaginal discharges occurring next to their place of worship.

The Bewitched Pastor
New Bradwell Community Centre, St. James’s Church and the Parrish Council, share one car park. So indeed, the Parrish Council could walk outside their door and stop this Yoga-Mindfulness-Sex-Magick in a moment. After all, they are right next door to the Community Centre. But, alas, they were busy on Facebook promoting Yoga on the NHS! So is this a good use of the Parrish council’s publically funded time?
![New Bradwell Parish Council is promoting Yoga [stealth Hinduism]. Good use of their publicly funded time?](https://i0.wp.com/mkexposed.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/NHS-Yoga.jpg?resize=1024%2C943&ssl=1)
Dejected, I went to look next door at St James’s Church for advice on getting this Sex Seance stopped. I wanted to tell the church that their neighbour was summoning demonic spirits. But I found a female pastor who was not averse to enjoying some Witchcraft herself. My video on female ‘pastors’ filmed in Milton Keynes can be viewed here. Pastor Nicola Martyn-Beck is known for enjoying the written works of the conjurer of literary demons: J K Rowling. Rowling’s Harry Potter books and movies have led many of our young to become predisposed to the wicked wonders of witchcraft.

I should have known better when I saw that Pastor Nicola describes St. James’s as an “inclusive and open-minded church”. The video I shot in Milton Keynes exposing Ecumenism can be viewed here. But unfortunately, my literal understanding of The Bible detaches me from all of Milton Keynes’s churches. They see me as an outsider, and that’s how I feel.

Lone Wolf
The pastor of New Life Church in Wolverton once told me, “We don’t deal with Lone Wolves like you”. It followed my invitation for him to join my prayer vigil outside the local abortion business. Every other protestant church in Milton Keynes had made its excuses. But Pastor Richard Wightman was the only one to call me. I was on a train returning from work and was so excited to hear from him. I promised to call him as soon as I was home. I was bursting with hope. But, instead, he had offered me his ‘Lone Wolf’ insult, thus washing his hands of the innocent fetal bloodshed on his doorstep. These churches would fly around the world assisting foreign kids rather than even lift a finger in prayer for our local children in imminent danger of being slaughtered.

As I was disappointed in Pastor Nicola’s reading matter, I set off to find a more erudite ear at the primary school across the road. Unfortunately, however, my dismay was far from over.

New Bradwell Primary School
A stone’s throw away lies New Bradwell Primary School. Inside, I find Shakti Cat Yoga, founded by Catrin Nia; remember, Shakti is the goddess of sex in Hinduism. Earlier in this article, The British Museum clarified that female Yogis ritually access the power of Shakti through their sexual fluids. Some with the help of crystal dildos known as Shakti Pleasure Enhancers.

Shakti Cat Yoga describe its school lessons as “playful, adventurous exploration”. In light of the Museum’s explanation, could a more unsavoury set of words have been chosen to describe these Yoga classes? But the school’s website promises to “promote moral values and, in particular, develop principles for distinguishing between right and wrong”. Did the school governors ever think to check what the Shakti in Shakti Cat might mean? How many curious pupils have already found out online for themselves?

Headmaster Phil Webster is also CEO of the Grand Union Partnership of local schools. Its website describes audacity as one of its values, adding that they need to recognise and embrace the need to be prepared to fail before they succeed. Will we find any failure in his leadership?

New Bradwell Primary School are also involved with Kelly Fairy’s Chota Yoga, which describes itself as “Yoga for little people”. According to various online dictionaries: the word Chota can mean child, testicles, penis or semen. So once again, we find a link between Yoga and sexual fluids — this time, the males.

Chota Yoga’s website bears the name of New Bradwell School and a photo of a young girl beside a bronze of Shakti, the goddess of sex. The picture shows the young schoolgirl in front of a wall festooned with many skulls symbolic of the decapitation-loving Hindu goddess Kali! Kelly Fairy’s Chota Yoga also teaches children with special educational needs [SEN]. However, do my findings leave you feeling it is the adults, not the children, that need an education? According to the Times of India, In 2015, a four-year-old boy was beheaded as a human sacrifice to honour Kali. Little Manu Sagar was returning home from nursery when his murderer cut his head off in a ritual to obtain divine powers from the Hindu goddess.

The Daily Mail in 2013 reported a father sacrificing his eight-month-old son to Kali, the Hindu goddess of death and destruction. During Meditation inside a Hindu Temple dedicated to the goddess: Kali ordered the human sacrifice. After ceremoniously washing his young son, the Hindu father chopped him to death with an axe hoping the slaying would bring happiness from Kali.

My research bought up numerous newspaper reports of countless other children tortured to death at shrines dedicated to Kali. Therefore, I call headmaster Phil Webster to remove all association with Catrin Nia’s Shakti Cat Yoga, Kelly Fairy’s Chota Yoga, and any other Yoga business. Our children need traditional PE lessons, not a religion whose outworking is the torture and death of little children.
The New York Times recognised the danger of Yoga back in 2012. Their article titled How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body featured Glenn Black. Black is a Yoga Instructor with 40 years of experience. But, he concluded, “the vast majority of people should give up Yoga altogether. It’s simply too likely to cause harm.”

Risk of Death
Using Yoni Eggs and other sex toys increases the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome. The Mayo Clinic warns, “Toxic Shock Syndrome can progress rapidly. Complications may include shock, kidney failure and death”.
I asked New Bradwell Community Centre if they had insurance for such an injury. They responded by email, “We do not provide insurance for anything like that. We do not accept liability for any loss or injury”. I would like to know if Alchemise Yoga Studio and others have considered these risks to their customers.

Who is on The Lord’s side?
The thought of allowing my daughter to continue being taught Yoga was intolerable: I felt driven to take a stand in person. So, with passion overpowering most of my nerves, I spoke to other parents desiring that they would stand with me by removing their children too. But all the parents, even the Christians: thought I was making a fuss over nothing.
Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here? Numbers 32:6 AKJV
I wondered if these parents were held back by apathy and idleness. Or was it my inability to present the facts in my head verbally? Feeling I’d failed these parents’ children, I retreated into my autistic world of self-pity. To ponder yet again why I see the world so differently from others. I felt highly conspicuous as I withdrew my daughter from her school yoga lessons. What hadn’t occurred to me was the cost to my daughter. Her teacher put her in an empty classroom while her classmates prostrated themselves in non-verbal Hindu worship. Isolating my daughter in this manner made her self-conscious. As a result, I became neither popular with the school, the other parents, nor my child. Don’t expect any thanks for doing what is right. However, for the sake of other children, I press on with the fight.

Most Reviled Man in Milton Keynes
I became a local hate figure soon after exposing how evil this City is. Emails and voicemails would decry how “vile” I was to hold such “abhorrent views”. Others would write how “OUTRAGED” my work had made them. “I will vehemently stand against you in every way I can” was how a particularly long email ended. Finally, Mrs T.A. asked, “who gives you the right to preach?”
More than once, these ‘outraged’ hordes have arranged for the Police to visit me. I’ve been only too grateful for the chance to tell them of The Gospel. However, the interview rooms can be intimidating.
Why do other Christians not oppose this evil?
Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here? Numbers 32:6 AKJV
I’m distressed from seeing the evil surrounding me go unchallenged by the church. My number one goal remains to be a great Dad. More than that. An advocate of all children.
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Romans 12:18 AKJV

The Solution
Hopefully, this article has motivated you to combat this evil. If you’re one of the few that care enough to take action: here are some pointers that may help.
- Let all those I’ve featured know how upset you are with these perverse demonic antics.
- Demand your school offer a voluntary opt-in model of informed consent for Yoga/Mindfulness Classes. Remember: the school will not necessarily tell you these eastern religious sessions are taking place. You may like me: find out too late.
- Remove your child from the perverted Sex Education that is too explicit for even the liberal BBC to show to adults!
- Worryingly our children can easily find pornographic images of this sexual perversity online by simply searching for the Yoga introduced to them by their school. It’s time to take our children out of this hellishly heathen government education system. Homeschooling appears to be the only way to raise a child in Godliness and essential basics such as Maths, English and traditional Physical Education!
- If you know anyone involved in Yoga/Mindfulness, please share this video and my article with them. They may, at this point, think that they are innocently exercising and meditating. Still, now I’ve shown you what a sordid path Yoga is. You can see it is never one that leads to eternal life and saving faith in the risen Christ Jesus. Our only Saviour. The only way to Heaven.
- Please join me in praying for these lost souls and the children being led astray by them. I genuinely pray for everyone I’ve described. I am not their enemy. I am an enemy of Satan who keeps them in blind bondage to their sin.
- Ensure you do all in your power to protect your children and others.
Because they have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other gods, that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands; therefore my wrath shall be poured out upon this place, and shall not be quenched. 2 Chronicles 34:25 AKJV

Know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 AKJV
Who is on The Lord’s side? Are you?
Because they have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other gods, that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands; therefore my wrath shall be poured out upon this place, and shall not be quenched. 2 Chronicles 34:25 AKJV