Milton Keynes Culture Fail
Walking a Cultural Route in Milton Keynes, I was shocked to encounter gratuitous sexual graffiti sprayed on fencing and pavement. After taking photos of the offensive imagery and location references, I set off to report it to Milton Keynes Council. On the way, however, I was horrified to discover the Council’s public art far more pornographic and perverse than the vulgar graffiti of schoolchildren I was about to report.

Communist Manifesto?
Milton Keynes Council had allowed public works of art that contain vaginas, well-defined naked penises and pronounced breasts, not to mention a fetish focus on the anus. What a dilemma I found myself in. How can I report the filth I found on the Cultural Route to Milton Keynes Council when they’re guilty of displaying profanity far more disturbing and provocative? Had the Council inspired those schoolchildren to produce the Cultural Route porn? Is this a manifestation of the Communist Manifesto that calls for making ugly and meaningless works of art and the proliferation of pornography to destroy the Christian nuclear family?

The Inviting Hole
I discovered this abominable bronze opposite the interfaith Christ The Cornerstone Church. Made by sculptor Nicolas Moreton, It portrays the man as a “giving vessel” symbolised by the teapot with its spout representing an erect penis and the woman as the “receiving vessel” depicted by the grotesque cup complete with labia handle and breasts. Insultingly, Moreton’s website describes the woman’s head as “replaced with an inviting hole with sexual connotations”.

Milton Keynes Exposed YouTube Channel’s Video Accompanying This Article
Pornographic Playground Proclivity
Almost all other pieces of Moreton’s work include erect penises, breasts, labia, young naked children, endless “inviting holes”, penetration or emblems of such. It would appear Moreton’s mind never graduated from a playground proclivity for pornography.

The Female Breasts of God?
I considered complaining to the church but found that not only had the church commissioned pieces from Moreton but also, from 2004, allowed his ‘works’ to be displayed around English Cathedrals for two years in a National Stone Carving Touring exhibition. For example, one blasphemous piece titled Jacob and the Angel interprets the famous Bible account of Jacob wrestling with God as a young naked child balancing on the female breasts of God.

Parental Consent
I then thought I’d complain to the ordinary folk on the street; however, I found my outrage confined to myself, as, in 2010, Moreton was bestowed with the People’s Choice Award and earlier in 2007, the public honoured him with a Community Champion Award. In addition, videos show parents encouraging their children to play near Moreton’s sexual creations.
![Smirking Sculptor Nicolas Moreton [Northampton School for Boys] touches the vaginal area of his female nude. Moreton teaches 14-year-old boys at the school.](https://i0.wp.com/mkexposed.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Moreton-touches-vagina.jpg?resize=905%2C1024&ssl=1)
Schoolboy Penetration
Believing Milton Keynes Council is perverting our children’s morals, I thought I’d complain to schools. But, alas, I found that futile too, as nearby Northampton School for Boys has allowed Moreton to teach carving sessions to 14-year-olds since 2008. With Moreton’s ongoing works of vaginas, aroused phalluses and his Boyhood Dreams carving, which depicts explicit sexual penetration, one wonders what direction Moreton’s fourteen-year-old pupils have taken. Of all the Sculptors in the UK, why would Northampton School for Boys allow Moreton anywhere near their pupil’s young impressionable minds?

I decided to have a cuppa and gather my thoughts at John Lewis. But approaching the entrance, I encountered what appeared to be a statue designed to normalise naked men caressing naked children. I don’t know if this is another of Moreton’s pervert pieces. Still, it is in his style. Someone has devilishly placed it at a height where passing children cannot avoid seeing the statue’s prominent penis.

Moreton’s Strong Stalk
Moreton’s work also contains many examples of blurring the male and female biological sex into one. Passages, a film from 2002, includes examples of Moreton’s exhibition at Longleat House Gardens. It shows many young children walking past stone penises, with Moreton stating, “Children are very perceptive. They can see the male and female in the same form.” When the video shows the penis of a statue, Moreton talks of wanting a “strong stalk”, and a parent asks a child, “What do you think, Freddie?” Later in the film, a parent talks of his two children fondling the naked breasts of Moreton’s work. In another video where Moreton caresses a stone phallus, he encourages the public to “touch” his work.

Primary Concern
Kingham Lodge boasts a Sculpture Garden set in five acres of Oxfordshire countryside. In one week, “3000 school children” viewed Moreton’s sculptures as part of Kingham Lodge’s “school’s outreach work.” As I write this, many Church of England Primary Schools are among the visitors. On their Facebook page, a photograph of a Kingham Lodge representative aptly named Marina pouring water from a giving vessel into a receiving vessel mirrors Moreton’s offensive bronze in Milton Keynes.

God Commands Resistance
We must combat this sexualising of our children by teaching them to fear God, obey His commandments, and walk in His ways of eternal life. Also, do not stir up love too soon. God designed sex to be between a man and a woman that are married to each other. For there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.